Reiseliteratur - Kreta: Mt. Thriptis, Mt. Orno, Sitia, Zakros, Vai 1:50.000

Kreta: Mt. Thriptis, Mt. Orno, Sitia, Zakros, Vai 1:50.000
Road Editions (Blatt Nr. 406) - Wanderkarte und Fahrradkarte (Griechenland: Kreta)
Mt. Thriptis, Mt. Orno, Sitia, Zakros, Vai
- Maßstab 1 : 50 000
- gefaltete Karte (doppelseitig)
- 2-sprachig griechisch/englisch
- Legende: griechisch, englisch, französisch, deutsch
- GPS kompatibel
ROAD Cartography map, was created upon intensive fieldwork and using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) software, which results all geographic information with great accuracy. Contains every single road, trails, special routes for cycling and scenic routes, villages, attractions and plenty of other useful information. This ist the most handy and reliable map that is labeld under the quality name of ROAD cartopraphy.
Ausgabe 2014
ISBN-13: 978-960-448-954-1 (9789604489541)