Reiseliteratur - Macedonia 1:230.000

Macedonia 1:230.000

Art. nr.: 9789609412100
Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
11,90 EUR (inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten)


Anavasi - Topo (Griechenland Regionalkarte Nr. R4)

Macedonia (Makedonien)

Maßstab 1 : 230 000

  • 2-sprachig griechisch/englisch
  • gefaltete Karte (doppelseitig, wasserfest) 
  • mit Index griechisch/englisch
  • Legende: griechisch, englisch, französisch, deutsch
  • GPS kompatibel

A new title in the series of the Regional maps, on a scale of 1:250.000, covering the entire region of Macedonia from the Pindus mountain range to the Nestos river. On the shaded relief of the background, NATURA zones are depicted in green. The map features roads, settlements, monuments and major place-names, ski resorts, mountain refuges, the course of the European paths E4 and E6. A new thematic layer has been added, comprising 35 wineries that are open to the public. Contact details of the wineries are included in the booklet, along with the settlements index

ISBN-13: 978-960-9412-10-0 (9789609412100)