Reiseliteratur - Nicaragua


Art. nr.: 9781906098292
Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
22,90 EUR (inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten)


Footprint Handbooks - Travel Guide (Reiseführer)


Escape the crowds and uncover one of the best kept secrets of Central America with Footprint"s 3rd edition of Nicaragua. Deserted beaches, sleepy towns, incredible rainforests and active volcanoes all await the intrepid traveller to this emerging Latin American destination. Comprehensive coverage on how to get the most from this little travelled land, including amazing cultural insights, all the best places to eat, drink and sleep, detailed advice on how to get around and how to experience the most from the adventure activities on offer

  • The lowdown on the best adventure activities including, surfing, windsurfng, riding and trekking
  • Detailed transport advice on how to get around
  • Extensive coverage of Nicaragua"s national parks and how to get the most from them
  • Amazing cultural & historical insights

3rd Edition 2008 - Paperback - 340 Pages