Reiseliteratur - 10 Ushba, Mestia 1:50.000

10 Ushba, Mestia 1:50.000
Geoland - Wanderkarte, Straßenkarte (Kaukasus: Georgien)
Serie: Georgian Trekking Maps (Blatt 10)
Ushba, Mestia
- Maßstab 1 : 50 000
- gefaltete Karte (doppelseitig, laminiert)
- Sprachausgabe: englisch
- Populated Areas
- Administrative Borders
- Roads and Railroads
- Hydrography
- Shaded Relief with Isoline
- Elevation Point
- Polygon Areas
- Points of Interest (Touristic, Historical and Natural Monuments)
- All trekking map includes schedule of points of interests, villages, rivers and heights, also the index of Geographical points.
Ausgabe 2014