Reiseliteratur - 11.17 Frangokastelo - Plakias 1:25.000

11.17 Frangokastelo - Plakias 1:25.000

Art. nr.: 9789609412216
Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
11,90 EUR (inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten)


Anavasi Topo 25 - Wanderkarte (Griechenland: Kreta)
Greece - Crete (Blatt Nr. 11.17)

Frangokastelo - Plakias

  • Maßstab 1 : 25 000
  • gefaltete Karte
  • 2-sprachig griechisch/englisch
  • Legende: griechisch, englisch, französisch, deutsch
  • wasserfestes Papier
  • GPS kompatibel

A new map on the eastern side of the White Mountains, adjacent to the map Sfakia - Pachnes, that extends from the Imbros gorge to the well-known resort of Plakias. On the southern side of this area, facing the Libyan sea, are a series of canyons, starting from the coast and reaching the higher slopes of Mt Angathes and Kryoneritis. A typical landscape of the Sfakia region with rough terrain and rocky, barren slopes. The northern side of these mountains is markedly different, with softer terrain, more vegetation and villages bearing influence of Venetian architecture. Dozens of hiking paths are recorded on the map, mainly in canyons as well as long crossings such as the E4 trail

ISBN-13: 978-960-9412216 (9789609412216)